The wind project developer, Alternergy Wind One Corporation (AWOC), awarded its 115 kV Transmission Line and 115 kV Switchyard Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to Meralco Industrial and Engineering Services Corporation (MIESCOR).
The proposed two-phased wind power project of AWOC in Rizal province has secured regulatory approval for the construction of dedicated point-to-point transmission facilities that will connect it to the load network of Manila Electric Company.
The initial phase of the transmission facility connection will cover the 67.5-MW Pililla wind power plant which is targeted on stream this year.
The wind farm’s direct connection to Meralco’s distribution network through the 115-kV Malaya-Teresa transmission line has been elected as the “best option,” primarily in consideration of accessibility and reliability factors as the distance is considerably shorter and the costs are relatively lower than other configurations.
AWOC emphasized that “the Pililla wind farm intends to source its own power requirement of 600 kW (kilowatts) from Meralco.” The facility will be equipped with 27 wind turbine generators with a capacity of 2.5 MW each.