Vendor Relationship Management
Sound business relations with vendors are essential in order to maintain a dependable and competent source of supply for uninterrupted flow of quality goods and services.

The Procurement Department together with Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Management are the primary source of contact and channel of communication with all vendors. Honesty, integrity, confidence, and tact is employed by the p\Procurement staff to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory bonds of respect and understanding with vendors. Maintaining and nurturing existing relationships with external vendors helps the Procurement staff enhance the MIESCOR's reputation, building goodwill that will serve the company well in all of its activities.


Supply Chain and Logistics Management shall develop and maintain adequate numbers of competent vendors for all material and service requirements of the company. This ensures better opportunity for continuity of supply, fosters competition, and generates good will and a broader range of industry contacts.

In evaluating the relative qualifications of existing and potential vendors, Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Management selects qualified sources that offer the optimum combination of the following considerations for the facilities served:

  • Exhibits documented excellence on safety, health and environmental performance and performs drug testing if a provider of contract labor
  • Current and historical financial position
  • Reliability and reputation
  • Willingness to work with MIESCOR in developing mutually beneficial arrangements
  • Satisfactory performance
  • Proof of an active and effective quality program that stresses continuous improvement.
  • Competitive prices
  • Management integrity and progressiveness
  • Position in industry
  • Trade relations
  • Suitable physical facilities
  • Inventory levels and storage locations
  • Stable labor force and raw material sources
  • Cooperative and available source of technical advice
  • Proof of regulatory compliance
  • Electronic communication capability
  • Accessibility
  • Contribution to local economy

Key vendor performance shall be evaluated periodically. The legitimate competitive advantage accruing to an established supplier through continued opportunity to supply our needs must be earned and maintained by satisfactory performance.